No.22, Jalan SS 22/7, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Store open
Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Everyone love to travel, enjoy, fun, relax, business and most of all seeking friends along the way and making some business connection. With our 29 years of Real Estate business and connections, we now pave way for you to connect to our Real Estate Owners or Landlords along this journey.
It's a FREE & EASY stay, enjoy, have fun and earn with our JBP exclusive club members.
Explore this opportunity in business connection, friendship and love climax with your JBP Principal.
Note : All activity shall be FREE & EASY attendance. Prior min. 6 hours confirmation need to be registered via or call +60193337276 or click here Whatsapp .
Book your stay @ JBPHOTEL.COM
JEFFREY BRANDON PROPERTY which logo JBP was incorporated in January 2018 by The Board of Valuers, Appraiser, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVEAP) or Lembaga Penilai, Pentaksir & Ejen Harta Tanah & Pengurus Harta (LPPEH) under the purview of the Ministry of Finance Malaysia.
The Principal practice real estate since year 1990 and focus on commercial, industrial and land. Currently we engage in project marketing. Hence with his vast experience in real estate industry, JBP is set to drive it's agency to next level of dealings. Our humble agency is small but is managed by system and technology with a good team of Management Team which has vast experience in property agency, property development, construction, interior design and project marketing.
We are driven by technology and management system. With this platform, we believe we can achieve a high level of property agency practice.
Our website is in constant improvement status to achieve a better goal for our agents and clients.
Thank you for support and patience.
The Management & Principal.
Jeffrey Khoo
JBP ONLINE SHOP is part of JEFFREY BRANDON PROPERTY which was founded by it's Principal and Management Team.
JBP SHOP ONLINE is designed for JBP agents, negotiators, clients to enable search their properties, hotel bookings, professional enquiries and solutions, complimentary products in the property industries and related products, suppliers and etc to buy, make reservations and search engine.
We welcome you to our platform.
The Management and Principal.
Store open
Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm